Good Readings

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

BSA M-20 Link Extravaganza

Yeah, I like this badboy a lot so here's a list of links with manuals, history and repair and/or restoration tips of this english masterpiece.

Wikipedia Entry (come on , this was a given)
The B.S.A W.D. M20 Website (this is one of the greatest references, it has restoration tips, a polite forum, and an awesome download section with pretty much all the help you'll need to restore your own bsa). a nice restoration log with good information for everyone.
Sump - a buyer's guide

OK, this will probably get things running for now. Please comment and add new websites for all of the BSA Fans out there.

Monday, August 24, 2009



Opening night at Dyrehavsbakken

Source:Opening night at Dyrehavsbakken.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Apartment life... Tips for a vintage motorcycle fan

This is probably a good bunch of advices to all the ww2 motorbike fans that, like me, don't really have a garage.


Indian Chief 340-B - 1941

You can read more about this great piece of machinery here.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Bmw Motorcycles in World War II: R12/R75

Over 220 photos show the various R12 and R75 types in various combat roles on all war fronts.
"The book contains hundreds of photograhps of mainly the BMW R12 and some of the R75. All photographs are taken in Worldwar II and represent valuable historic information on how these bikes were used in combat. It also reveals the strategies being used by motorcycle companies and shows some of the human suffering of this era. Furthermore it contains valuable technical information, drawings and exploded views of the BMW R75. Highly recommended to anyone interested in this part of the history or for those who are involved in BMW R12 or R75 restoration."

Bmw Motorcycles in World War II: R12/R75 (Schiffer Military History)

C9367113 motorcycle at Damyn's Hall

Source: dyvroeth@flickr(great photos of other military vehicles)

A parade of Ural sidecars

This is a parade of Ural's a Russian made WW2 Motorcycle, you can read more about them here.

Word War 2 Motorbikes

Hi there, this is a new blog totally dedicated to World War 2 Motorbikes. In this little corner of the internet you'll find info, videos and other fun facts and trivia of motorbikes from World War 2.

American, German, British, Itallian, everything goes, all of them will be available for you to see.

We'll also try and promote ways for you to buy the Word War 2 Motorbike of your dreams.

So please enjoy this new blog and have fun with World War 2 Motorbikes.